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In the dynamic world of recruitment, ensuring a candidate aligns with your organization's values is as critical as assessing their technical qualifications. Behavioral-based questions are one of the most effective tools in an interviewer's arsenal for this purpose. These questions dive into a candidate's past experiences to uncover how their actions and decisions reflect their values, offering a glimpse into how they might navigate similar situations in your workplace. The core principle of behavioral interviewing is straightforward: P ast behavior is one of the most vital indicators of future performance. While other question types — ...
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Immigration enforcement has recently been making news across the United States. At Employers Council, we have heard from members wanting to know how they should prepare for any enforcement actions, such as raids or audits, and how they can mitigate risks. This article breaks down some of the crucial terms in this area, describes the risks employers face, and provides guidance on the steps employers can take if they have concerns. ICE Audits Audits have historically occurred more frequently than raids . H owever, if an employer is not prepared, the consequences of an audit can be just as serious as the consequences of a ...
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Editor’s note: This is the second installment of a two-part series on workplace flexibility. To read part one, click here .  Organizations that successfully implement flexible work strategies don’t just give employees flexibility.   They work to find the right flexibility that balances both employee and business needs.      Achieving and sustaining a culture of flexibility requires customization, and it will look slightly different for each organization. The following are some effective approaches to consider.     Be Agile and Adaptable Needs and conditions change, so it’s important for leaders to accept ...
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Do you take the time to recognize employees who create value, act in the best interests of your organization, and help other employees succeed? Or are you too focused on addressing the latest issue a poor-performing employee caused? Addressing employee job-related performance and behavior issues is important. Employees who excel at their responsibilities expect you not to allow someone else’s inferior performance to continue. However, regularly recognizing your best employees will help you retain them. What employee contributions do you value? Do you know how each employee would like to be recognized? Do you recognize each employee as often ...
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Editor’s note: Employers Council articles occasionally address topics that have generated a buzz in our Member Central communities. Employee attendance is essential for fostering a productive and efficient workplace, but managing it while staying compliant with state regulations can feel like walking a tightrope. For example, in Colorado, the Healthy Famil ies and Workplace s Act (HFWA) requires employers to provide paid sick leave to all employees. Employers must adhere to this law while aligning with business objectives and promoting reliable employee attendance to cultivate a productive environment for their teams. ...
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Editor’s note: This is the first installment of a two-part series on workplace flexibility. Click here for part two . The demand for workplace flexibility is growing, with many employees considering it a necessity. Consider that 62% of workers would rather stay at a job where they enjoy flexibility than accept a pay raise for a position that demands strict office hours, according to Omnipresent , a global HR services provider. What does flexibility mean? Popular options include flexibility with where work is done (remote, hybrid) and when it is done (start and end times, days of week). For employers, offering options like these ...
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In today’s competitive labor market, ensuring that employees are fairly compensated is paramount to keeping and attracting top talent. A lot of that talent may be overtime-exempt employees paid on a salary basis. But what can an employer do when, during a busy season, non-exempt employees are paid overtime for their long hours of work and exempt employees do not receive overtime? Employers with exempt employees may consider options for providing extra compensation to reward exempt employees who work longer hours. Of course, employers should ensure that when implementing such a compensation strategy, they are doing so without putting employees' exempt ...
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As we kick off 2025, many organizations seek ways to improve communication and foster more collaborative conversations. One simple yet powerful shift can set the tone for a year of thriving communication: replacing the word "but" with "and." At first glance, this change seems minor — it's just one word. Yet the difference it makes is profound. "But" closes conversations, while "and" keeps them open and constructive. A former colleague used to say, " ‘But’ is closed mouth, closed mind; ‘and’ is open mouth, open mind." If you take a moment to say each word aloud, you'll notice how the physical shape of your mouth reflects the mindset the word inspires. ...
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You undoubtedly have worked diligently to identify areas of opportunity and allocate resources for the new year. But planning is only part of the equation. The success of your mission lies firmly in the execution, and to successfully execute your strategy, everyone must be aligned and do their part to advance the organization forward. This is why having a strong performance management plan in place is critical. An effective performance management plan creates a line of sight, meaning that when employees understand their role in the context of how it aligns with the bigger picture, it increases motivation, engagement, alignment, and job satisfaction. ...
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Complying with evolving employment laws and managing employee issues are always challenging for employers, even overwhelming at times. To help you manage the challenges ahead in 2025, here is a list of HR action items and useful Employers Council members-only resources.  Review your policies to ensure they comply with new federal and state laws. Use our m ultistate tool to review laws in other states. Access all of our sample policies (and complete employee handbooks)   here .  Maintain your awareness of employment law changes, business trends, and emerging HR practices with our n ews articles , our ...
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As we approach the end of the year, many HR managers and analysts are identifying trends that are expected to shape the workplace in 2025, as reported by Forbes . These predictions stem from the challenges and successes experienced over the past year. Here are some of the key trends anticipated across various industries: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Integration : AI is expected to continue playing a significant role in the workplace, particularly in customer service, research, and data analysis. Rather than replacing jobs, AI is enhancing human roles by automating repetitive tasks. This transition enables professionals to concentrate ...
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Different leadership styles can be effective, depending on the person and the organization. Regardless of the style or styles one embraces, certain traits can help a leader be more effective. One of those traits, and among the most important, is humility. But wait, isn’t humility a sign of weakness, submissiveness, or indecision? Aren’t strong leaders supposed to be charismatic, visionary, and courageous? In his best-selling book,  Good to Great , Jim Collins found that great leaders are a blend of “personal humility and professional will.” In his research, Collins did not seek humility as an effective leadership behavior ...
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For many, the holiday season is about being with family, enjoying festivities, and giving gifts. To make this possible, thousands of people work behind the scenes to help ensure a special season. Consequently, there is an influx of temporary workers, increased customer traffic, and extended hours across industries, especially retail, warehousing, and delivery services. These developments are often welcome, but they pose unique challenges to worker safety. During this holiday rush, employers should prioritize robust safety measures to protect their workers so everyone can enjoy a safe holiday season. While each industry is unique, below are some ...
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HR leaders need to have a strong grasp of what is working well and to be able to clearly identify areas for improvement and gaps in compliance. Conducting an HR audit is a great way to examine the effectiveness of your talent-management strategy, maintain compliance with ever-changing employment laws, and keep up with workforce trends. And, importantly, an audit can help facilitate fact-driven decision-making. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to an HR audit. In fact, there are many different types of audits that HR professionals can conduct, including recordkeeping audits, legal compliance audits, and employee leave management audits. ...
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When paying a nonexempt employee (sometimes referred to as an hourly employee), the two most important things to consider are paying at least minimum wage and, if applicable, overtime. However, these simple rules get a lot more complicated by the fact that what is considered work is not always obvious. A lot of these complications come together when an employee attends a conference. For example, is it not uncommon for an employer to ask whether they need to pay for the travel to and from a hotel during the conference. When do employers need to pay for attendance at the conference? What minimum wage applies? What about a get-together with the conference ...
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As the end of the year draws near, you might be hard at work updating and reviewing your organization’s employee handbook. Of course, it is vital to ensure it includes new laws and regulations for 2025. But you can also use this as an opportunity to make sure your handbook’s wording adheres to some best practices and avoids common pitfalls. Here are some elements to pay close attention to as you go over your handbook: Codified Practices As the source document for employee expectations, the employee handbook is often referenced in official proceedings, such as unemployment hearings. To preserve its use for ...
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What do you give if your holiday gift list is 50 people long? Or 500 people? This is the dilemma that many employers face this time of year. Should they give gifts to employees? And if so, what should they give? First, think about your reasons for giving a gift and the message you wish to convey to your employees. Giving a gift during the holiday season is about showing appreciation to your employees for their efforts all year. Hopefully, you have been showing your appreciation and gratitude all year long. This is another opportunity to show that they are valued. If you decide to give a gift, what should you give? Think about ...
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Employers often take steps to motivate employees, aiming to boost performance and morale. But these actions can sometimes bind employers to promises they didn’t intend to make, creating implied employment contracts. To avoid this, it is important to understand how implied contracts can arise , which is critical for employers seeking to manage their workforce effectively without exposing themselves to unnecessary legal risks. Understanding Implied Contracts Most jobs are governed by an at-will standard. This means either the employer or the employee can terminate the employment relationship ...
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Employee engagement and employee satisfaction both provide valuable insights into the workplace, but it’s important to know that they measure different things. Engagement is all about how connected and involved an employee feels in their job. It depends on various factors , including effective leadership, a supportive organizational culture, meaningful work, regular feedback and recognition, opportunities for professional growth, and an inclusive work environment. One-third of U.S. employees feel engaged, according to a 2023 Gallup s urvey . E mployee satisfaction, also called job satisfaction, ...
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Delegation is a vital skill for managing workload and empowering your team. By effectively delegating tasks, you free up time for higher-level responsibilities and enable team members to grow and develop new skills. It’s not a sign of weakness but a strategic tool that enhances productivity and promotes collaboration. Delegation isn’t just about getting tasks off your plate — it’s a powerful strategy for personal development, leadership growth, and creating a more productive, empowered team. Why Delegation Matters Delegating tasks lightens your workload and helps prevent burnout . When you try to do everything, ...