Now that spring is in full swing, use your Employers Council membership resources to stay on top of tasks so you can enjoy the lovely month of May!
The 2024 HR Planning Calendar includes important dates for May:
May 8: final day of the Colorado legislative session. Unless a special session is called, this marks the end of new legislative activity, and passed bills await the governor’s signature or veto. Stay tuned to our Weekly Digest for updates!
May 15: due date for IRS Form 990, if calendar year accounting is used. This is for tax-exempt political organizations.
May 15: final day for discounted registration for the Employers Council Conference
May 27: Memorial Day, federal holiday
In addition, here are some observances of note in May:
Suggested actions:
Check for (and remind employees of) 2024 health savings account (HSA) annual contribution limits and the out-of-pocket (OOP) amounts for self-only and family high-deductible health plan coverage; see this article for details.
Use your membership survey data and access to Payfactors PEER for compensation planning; click here to learn how or contact our surveys team for help.
Looking ahead to June, make plans to celebrate our country’s newest federal holiday – Juneteenth National Independence Day. This article offers ideas.
For assistance with membership resources, contact our Member Experience team.
James McDonough is an HR research consultant for Employers Council.