New resources and content are frequently added to the Member Central website. Now, all members have access to a greatly expanded library of information, resources, and news to handle payroll responsibilities in all 50 states.
To access the payroll library:
Click on Resources, scroll to CCH under Tools, and click.
Complete the CCH registration process*, then navigate to Payroll under Browse Content header, and browse.
(*A complete guide, including screenshots, is embedded on this page.)
Here’s a topical overview of content in this library.
California Payroll Guide
Guidance on what steps to take to comply with California’s laws and regulations governing payroll.
Complete Guide to Federal and State Garnishment
Plain-English explanations of the laws and how they interact provide much-needed clarity when the federal and state laws appear to conflict, along with specific steps on how to respond to an order.
Employment Tax Forms and Instructions
Federal and state tax forms that are available for downloading.
Federal Offer in Compromise Tool
A tool to help determine if an individual is eligible for an offer in compromise agreement.
Federal/State Payroll Lookup Tables
Practical tool for looking up quick, topic-based information by jurisdiction.
Multistate Payroll Guide
Information to answer payroll questions, covering the payroll laws of all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
Payroll Answer Book
This Q&A resource provides advice concerning a multitude of payroll issues and helps payroll professionals learn the latest federal law and regulatory changes.
Payroll Management Guide
This comprehensive, expert-authored content helps resolve day-to-day payroll issues and provides guidance for effective payroll planning and compliance with federal, state, and local requirements.
Payroll Manager's Letter
Semi-monthly newsletter examines new tax laws and regulations, IRS announcements, revenue rulings and procedures, news from the Social Security Administration and the Department of Labor, the latest payroll-related court cases, and more.
Payroll Report Letter
A weekly newsletter summarizing hot issues, legislative changes, and trends.
State Payroll Law Compare
Online resource provides summaries of state payroll laws, as well as federal law summaries, with intuitive "Smart Chart" functionality.
Wage-Hour Compliance Handbook
Plain-English explanations of both federal and state wage-hour laws with summaries of actual court cases that illustrate the laws’ real-world applications.
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