
OSHA Electronic Reporting Deadline is March 2nd

By Jennifer Vold posted 02-25-2022 10:22 AM


Employers who have establishments required to report their 2021 OSHA 300A injury and illness data electronically must do so by March 2nd, 2022.

It is important to note that some employers are not even required to keep OSHA records of injuries and illnesses (OSHA forms 300, 300A, and 301) at all, so those employers are also exempt from this electronic reporting requirement. The list of employers not required to keep OSHA injury and illness data can be found here.

Of those employers that do have recordkeeping requirements, employers that have establishments with 250 or more employees must electronically report their 2021 OSHA 300A data. OSHA defines an establishment as “a single physical location where business is conducted or where services or industrial operations are performed.” So, employers should look to their locations with 250 or more employees and not to their businesses as a whole.

Additionally, those employers that have establishments with 20-249 employees and who are on this list must report their 2021 OSHA 300A data electronically.

Failing to report this data properly could lead to OSHA citations. OSHA’s 2022 penalty amounts are listed below.

More information, including how to electronically report the data, can be found here.

