
State Offers Helpful Tools to Prepare Colorado Employers for FAMLI

By Community Manager posted 11-04-2022 09:30 AM


In January 2023, employers and workers will begin contributing to the Colorado Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program (FAMLI), with benefits available to employees starting in January 2024. The Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) has an employer toolkit on its FAMLI website with helpful information to assist organizations as they prepare for the program.

As highlighted in the CDLE’s recent FAMLI newsletter, here are some of the tools available:

Required Program Notice

Employers are required by statute to post a notice informing workers about the FAMLI program no later than January 1, 2023. The Required 2023 FAMLI Program Notice poster is available for download. It must be hung in a prominent, visible workplace location for employees to see.

Paycheck Stuffer

Another useful tool is the FAMLI Paycheck Stuffer, which features answers to some frequently asked questions about the program. “Employers can pair this with their regular paystubs, post it to their intranet, distribute it in internal newsletters or any other internal communication channels that reach employees,” according to the FAMLI newsletter. 

2023 FAMLI Employee Handbook 

The state’s new 2023 FAMLI Employee Handbook is available to businesses to add to their existing employee handbooks. “This handbook provides your employees a high-level overview of the program with details they need to know for 2023,” the newsletter states. An updated version will be available later next year before benefits become available in January 2024.   

Spanish Versions

Several of the toolkit materials are now available in Spanish and can be found on the toolkit’s main menu. The break room poster, sample pay stub, and HR fact sheet have been translated. More Spanish versions of materials will be available soon, according to the newsletter.

Employers Council’s website also has helpful FAMLI resources. If you have any questions and are a consulting or enterprise member, give us a call at 1-800-884-1328 or send an email to

